Gregorio Ameyugo

Head of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Division - CEA

Gregorio Ameyugo - Head of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Division - CEA

Gregorio Ameyugo is head of the Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Systems division at the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA), one of the world’s leading research and development centres.

Its team of 300 researchers and engineers develops technologies in perceptual artificial intelligence, natural language processing, robotics, digital twins and virtual reality, IoT and human-machine interfaces, and transfers them to companies in all industrial sectors.

From the first brain-controlled exoskeleton used by a quadriplegic patient to walk again, to telepresence with force feedback a thousand kilometres away, world podiums at the Waymo Challenge and the international Robothon, Gregorio’s teams are making an impact where humans converge (and sometimes collide) with the physical and digital worlds.

Gregorio holds a PhD in aerospace engineering and worked for Rolls-Royce, Indra and Airbus before joining the CEA. Since then, he has helped bring more than 50 technology products and solutions to market.

Gregorio regularly advises companies, governments and international institutions on AI and technology strategy and policy. He sits on the board of directors of several companies and institutions. He is apparently a fierce karateka, and lives in Paris with his wife and four children.